Custom prints & framing. Updates to website.

Greetings Dear Patrons,

I wanted to let you in on a few updates here at Dora Daniel Fine Art. First off, this art business is a husband and wife team effort. Dora is head of art and I (Carson) am head of business. Together we have wrestled through what this small business looks like and how we can work well together in the process. We are both excited to see where this team effort will take us.

Part of this team effort has yielded a few new services, and updates I want to make you aware of:

  • Custom Fine Art Prints and Framing

    • Dora has been searching for a high quality print maker and we found one. FinerWorks has produced several quality prints for us and we have been pleased with the results. We continue to learn more and more how to create the finest prints. Look for many more of Dora’s work offered in prints. Prints are an excellent option for several reasons: The original is not for sale (either sold or unavailable) and you do not have access to the original, the price of the original is out of our price range, or you would like the piece in a different size.

    • In addition to offering high quality prints for many of Dora’s work, we are also offering custom framing options. Dora can recommend what artwork is best in frame, and what frame options are available.

  • Website Updates

    • I (Carson) am in the process of making artwork easier to view on Dora’s site. Check out the updated Landscapes gallery to view some of the updates. My hope is these updates will make it easier to view all of Dora’s work more clearly. Look for more updates soon!

  • Bringing into Focus: Landscapes, Cards, Prints, Portraits, and Commissions.

    • As we continue into 2021 Dora and I have been exploring what will be her main focus in her work. One of the biggest updates we want to share is Dora’s renewed focus on landscapes, cards, prints, portraits, and commissions. Over the past few years Dora has spent much of her time experimenting and discovering her unique style. Following graduation she has found new stride in returning afresh to her unique artistic expression.

    • Look for many more landscapes, portraits, and print offerings in the near future.

    • Dora is now accepting commissions for live portrait sessions from interested individuals.

    • We are excited for this next chapter of clarity and direction!

Look for more updates coming to your inbox with new work! Do not hesitate to reach out if you are interested in a piece.

Clem. Prints Available.

Clem. Prints Available.


Portraits for Sale

